Meditation is a practice that induces a still state of consciousness. Meditation is way of calming the mind. Meditation is state of thoughtless awareness, while remaining alert and present. Meditation is a state of still consciousness. Meditation is presence and beingness.
The term meditation can refer to a meditative state of consciousness and it also can refer to practices that intend on bringing about this tranquil state of being. This article primarily focuses on identifying meditation as a still state of awareness and putting it into everyday language.
Meditation is a deep state of peaceful existence. Meditation is an internal practice that regulates the fluctuations of the mind-stuff, the person’s thoughts. Meditation describes a state of consciousness, where the mind is free of scattered thoughts and habitual patterns that take us out of the present moment. Meditation is the state of being awake.
Similar to mindfulness, meditation is a way of being. Meditation is a practice. Meditation is all the time. Meditation is a way of experiencing life, where the mind-stuff (the thoughts) remain undisturbed and still. Meditation is the realization that we are beingness. This beingness underlies all action.
Meditation refers to a calm and tranquil state of awareness. As with Yoga, meditation involves stilling the fluctuations of the mind. Meditation is a practice of looking within. Meditation can be achieved through mindfulness. (Click here to access the article, What is Mindfulness?)
Meditation and mindfulness go hand in hand. Meditation is cultivated through sustained concentration.
One of the most effective ways to cultivate a meditative state of consciousness is through the practice of seated meditation. Seated meditation is the practice of sitting still with the spine long. Meditation can be used to clear the mind and aid in mental clarity and functioning. (Click here to access the article, What is Seated Meditation?)
Seated Meditation
In seated meditation, the person often times closes the eyes. Closing the eyes helps draw the senses inward and this allows the person to become more aware of that which is occurring within. In seated meditation, the person often times focuses on the breath to aid in concentration. The practice of seated meditation is one of the most reliable ways to experience a meditative state of consciousness.
Ideally, we are meditating all the time. When we are working, we can be meditating. When we are handling a challenging situation with calmness, poise, and equanimity, we can be meditating. When we are making love, we can be meditating. As stated, meditation is all the time.
Meditation means awareness. Meditation is a means of transforming the mind into a state of still. Meditation is our natural state of awareness. Meditation is our original state of being.
Meditation is about cleansing our perception. When we perceive the world with purity, we see the infinite nature of reality. Meditation leads to a liberated state of consciousness. When we experience a meditative state of consciousness all the time, we are enlightened.
A person can read about meditation all day; yet, to really have an understanding about what meditation is, a person must experience meditation firsthand, just as with everything in life.
I hope this introduction to meditation has been beneficial to you. Feel free to add your perspective by commenting in the box below.